Music Analysis


The Music Analysis track within MGM aims above all to contribute to establishing a conceptual apparatus with its own terminology as a precondition for the study of perceptive and performance-related aspects. Based on this, the main objective then is to study the works and artistic processes developed within the project in dialogue with the Music Technology and Music Psychology tracks.

Ultimately, we expect to gain new insights about the relevance of embodiment for the understanding of writing, performing and perceiving music and to enhance the methods of musical analysis and its representation through the integration of related concepts and analysis methods from the fields of technology and psychology.



A stage of the process of exploration for the mindmap.

An exploratory terminological mindmap was established together with a schema showing the actor relationships in music composition, performance and perception.


see interactive mindmap in detail with additional information (hover over temrs to see addt’l information).
see music actors schema in detail with additional information.