Investigating Gestural Electronic Music

Jan C. Schacher

In: Proceedings of the Practice-Based Research Workshop at NIME’14, June 30 – July 03 2014, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK, 2014.

The practice of gestural electronic music performance provides the background for an artistic, practice-based investigation. To this end, the material and conceptual conditions for the development of performance pieces using gestural actions need to be explored. Digital musical instruments and concepts for the expressive use of their affordances lead to questions of the perception, by the musician and by the audience, of movements and actions, body and instrument. The practice of developing pieces and performing them exposes the issue of tacit knowledge that remains embedded within the subjective experiences of the artist.  Means and ways are sought to establish — if not knowledge from within — then at least a meaningfully contextualised web of relationships that is drawing on terminologies and concepts from relevant neighbouring fields.

Workshop mention on Ben Carey’s Blog

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